Racing Track League

Track League Registration Open

Registration for Track League is now open at Rider HQ. Click here to register.

Please ensure you follow the instructions as regards sending evidence of your BC membership and race licence.

Costs and Fees

Registration will rise by £1 this year across all groups to cover processing costs.

Entry for events will automatically have their fees added on at checkout (examples below).

On the day entries for track league will also see a rise as not having to deal with a physical sign-on and payment has removed a considerable volunteer requirement burden and we do not wish to encourage on the day entry.

On the day entry will be by card payment only.


Registration Online£11£9£6
Entry Online£10.00 + .50 fee£8.00 + 0.50 fee£5.00 + 0.50 fee
Entry OTD£15£13£10


One Week To Go

In a weeks time we will kick off the first winter circuits series for a couple of years. Exciting stuff.

There are still some entry places available (click here). Remember its more expensive on the day so entering online not only guarantees you a place it saves you money!

Womens race: 9 out of 30 entries. You need one more racer to get points across the top ten! Otherwise its 3, 2 and 1 points for the top three only!

Mixed Category 4: Filling nicely, at 17 entries from 30 at time of writing.

Mixed Category 2/3: 23 out of 30 taken. Not many left so if you want to race you’d better hurry!

But there won’t be any racing at all if we can’t get ……


Plenty of the 2/3 racers have stepped up to volunteer for the marshalling positions, and one category 4 racer. It would be good to see some more riders doing their bit. You can do this in one of two common ways:

  • Volunteer to marshal after your race (women or 4th cat racers)
  • Bring a friend to marshal during your race (4th cat or 2/3 racers)

I’m sure I don’t need to say it: No marshals = no race (at all).

You can sign up on the volunteer sheet here:

Circuits Racing

Entries Open!

Entry for our first Winter Circuits on Feb 20th are now open.

Enter on RiderHQ here.

Still no volunteers on the sheet. No volunteers = no race. Go here to add a name in to the spreadsheet.

Circuits Racing Volunteers

Race News

Hi everyone. A bit of news about the winter circuits but first ….

The volunteer list is still entirely empty.

If there is no-one to marshal and fulfil the required roles: no race.

So get your name in a slot for outside of your intended race time, or persuade a friend or family member that you are bringing with you to fill a role. Click this link to go to the volunteer page and just follow the instructions. Or if you can’t figure it out, email

The six marshal positions can be filled by anyone. If you’d like practice to fill a judging role on a regular basis, please sign up and we can arrange for an experienced hand or two to show you the ropes. Likewise sign on/gear checker. If all roles are filled (which would be nice!) do please add a name in the backup person slots, as its not unusual for someone to have to not show at the last minute.

Remember that SCRL is not a commercial organisation making money for personal profit, nor is it a “club” with members to call on for raising funds. all profits from the racing go back into the league and the track to KEEP SUSSEX RACING!

OK, so to the races

We are mostly set and ready, but are still waiting official final sign-off from BC.

You can go to the series entry page on RiderHQ at this link.

Once we have opened the entry there will be a website post and social media posts, so sign up to the website notifications and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

The rest of the races are all set to open at 9am on the Monday following the previous race.

Keep ’em peeled!