
Vets and Womens Track Series returns this Friday

The second in our four part veterans and womens track racing series at Preston Park takes place this Friday. With scratch, devil, handicap, dash, and keirin events, all topped with a dollop of unknown distance to close the night*, it promises to be a night of racing to remember.

Not racing? Come down and watch while soaking up the afternoon sun!

Sign on at 6:15 and racing starts at 6:45. All those accredited at Preston Park or other velodromes welcome. Race fees are pay on the night and cost is as per a regular track session. Click here for race fees and day licence costs.

More event details at British Cycling (click here) and in our own events calendar (click here).

*Schedule may be subject to change on the night due to time and daylight constraints. Remember that events may be cancelled at short notice due to weather conditions. Check our website, facebook and twitter pages for updates on the day.


Accreditation Part Two This Friday

Just a quick reminder that this Friday is the second part of accreditation for those still to complete it.

Those of you who have completed week one AT ANY SESSION but not week two, and are not signed off as accredited, should attend. There will be no further accreditation sessions this year so it is important that you attend if you want to race.

Also remember that if you are already accredited you can still attend as a practice session for just £3! You won’t get it that cheap at those fancy indoor velodromes, and you might get a bit of a tan too!

See you Friday!


Friday Circuit Racing! – Places still available on the night

Tomorrow night sees the inaugural SCRL circuit races at Preston Park velodrome. The good news is that, short of a typhoon or blizzard, these will be held whatever the weather!

There are places left to fill in all categories for both men and women, so get there half an hour before your race and you can sign up. £18 entry for all races.

First race is the 4th cat starting at 18:45.



All cats road racing entry now open!

It’s finally here!

Entry is now open for the first meeting of the first ever SCRL road racing series.

Our first meeting comprises 3 races of 4th cat men, E/1/2/3/4 women, and 2/3 men. Entry closes 17th May and it’s sure to sell out quickly so get in there fast!

Click here to enter online via the British Cycling website.

You can see all the proposed dates for the road race series on our calendar.


Upcoming Events

As the season starts to get busy a quick review of our upcoming events is in order.

  • On Friday 12th and 21st of this May we are running another accreditation session. It’s not too late to get yourself accredited and join the racing! Online registration for accreditation is now preferred, so see here for more details.
  • Friday 5th May saw our inaugral vets and womens races. A great evenings racing was had by all (report to follow). There are three more, one each month on a Friday, on June 2nd, July 7th and August 4th (first Friday of each month). These are viewable on our calendar or on the British Cycling website events calendar for June, July and August.
  • Road racing at the track is pencilled in for Fridays May 19th, June 16th and July 21st. This isn’t confirmed with BC yet, so keep your eyes peeled on the website and the usual social media channels.
  • And don’t forget, the flagship event, Wednesday evening track league, for all age groups, continues every Wednesday until mid-August.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the website newsletter and watch our Facebook page and Twitter accounts.


New 2017 Accreditation Dates Announced

The next 2017 SCRL track accreditation sessions for budding racers are pencilled in for May 12th and 26th.

Please note that you must register online (click here) in advance for these sessions.

We need to introduce registration for the sessions to enable us to better gauge demand.

Whilst you could still just show up on the night, you should be aware of the following caveats:

  • If the registrations do not show enough interest, the sessions will be cancelled.
  • In the event that the session is full, those who registered for the session will be given priority.

So registration is the best option!

Heres the link to the registration form once again:


VETS+WOMENS Night – Volunteers needed

We are in desperate need of volunteers to run this Fridays (May 5th) vets and womens races night, mainly in the area of marshalling.

If you can help out at all please contact us at

If you want to know what sort of jobs you will be doing, take a look at our volunteering page.

If we cannot cover the minimum marshalling requirements the evening cannot go ahead.

Thanking you all in advance.