
AGM Details

Our AGM is just two weeks away, so here’s the skinny on the event.


Saturday October 23rd, from 5:30pm to probably about 7:30pm.

Note that the PPYCC AGM is prior to this in the same place 3:00pm to 5:00pm, with a half hour break between the two.


As usual, at the Knoyle Hall on Knoyle Road, Brighton, BN1 6RB.

Parking is sometimes a bit scarce, so walk or ride if you can.


  • AGM Agenda items which will usually include
    • Nomination and/or re-election of any positions for the committee which need to be filled
    • Financial reports
  • Prize Giving and photos
    • Please note, that preliminary finances show a poor year this year as far as track league goes, so the prize fund is greatly reduced from normal.

If you have any items you wish the committee to consider for the agenda please email to or use the contact form.

There will also be a chance to socialise with fellow league members over a drink or two:

  • We will have beer from the Long Man Brewery available at £5 a pint (remember we have to pay retail for the beer plus a temporary event licence so it can’t be any cheaper). Card payments on the day please. NOTE: If you are a younger adult, please bring some I.D. We won’t be taking any chances on that front. No you still won’t get served if your birthday is only next week. Don’t forget we know your date of birth anyway from your league registration 😉
  • Tea and coffee as usual, along with cakes and treats.

What should I bring?

  • Bring your league race numbers back if you haven’t already.
  • Please bring along cakes or treats and other things which we can sell at the event in the interval to raise funds for the league.
  • If you are available to help out for a bit just prior or afterwards for setup/cleanup please feel free to show up early/hang around and help out.
  • We are also keen to get some good quality shots of our prize winners this year. If you are a dab hand with a camera (and will do it for free!) please make yourself known to the committee using the email./contact links above.