Racing Track League Uncategorized

Accreditation/Practice Riders Needed!

At the upcoming accreditation sessions there is the chance to turn the fixed wheels again before the season starts, all for free!

The new riders being accredited will need at least a decent sized bunch to ride round with. Anyone already accredited and wants to come along please just turn up on one of the accreditation dates for around a 6:30pm start.

You might be asked to start/stop occasionally to allow the accrediting riders to perform specific exercises, but it won’t be too often.

The accreditation dates are:

  • Wednesday April 13th
  • Friday April 22nd
  • Friday April 29th
Circuits News Racing Track League Volunteers

League News

Winter Series #5 – Riders and Volunteers

Winter series #5 is now open for entries. As always we can’t run anything without volunteers to marshal, so please put your name down or get a friend to volunteer.

Track Accreditation

Our track accreditation sessions are now open for entry. Please just enter your first one for now. Then you can enter any additional sessions as and when you know you can get to them.

Read about our accreditation process and why we have it here.

League Registration

For those riders already accredited registration is now open. Please take note of the instructions in regards to sending in your licence details.

SCRL now have their own set of racing rollers!

You might have been at the AGM a couple of years back when we borrowed the BECC rollers to spice up proceedings a bit.

Well a BECC member found their spare set in his garage and offered them up for sale. After (not all that) lengthy negotiations they were obtained for a very reasonable price indeed!

So now we have them, lets make some use of them. Any ideas for how we can use them to raise funds in addition to just having some fun with them would be welcome.

So far thoughts are:

  • Perhaps have a winter league where we can have a “social” evening once a month through the off season, probably at the Knoyle Road hall.
  • Maybe if we can have short notice use of the pavillion a “rained off day” event.
  • Hire out for use by other clubs, organisations and events.
  • Provide for use at local summer fairs etc. as an advertising/awareness raising tool.
Circuits Racing Volunteers

Volunteers for #4, yet again…

Once again we find ourselves asking people to step up to fill the volunteer roles we require to allow racing to go ahead. If you have raced all the races so far but not volunteered it’s time to put your hand up✋

Again may we suggest the following:

  • Bring someone with you who can marshal during your race OR
  • Volunteer for the race after yours (or in the case of the last race, come down early for the first one)

Go to the link below to put your name down:

All the roles marked * AT A MINIMUM need to be filled by 5pm or the races will be pulled.

Circuits Racing Volunteers

Volunteers for Race #3

Thanks for all those who have put their hand up to volunteer this Sunday so far.

It does seem to largely be the same names each week though.

We are still especially short of positions to cover the first (cat 4) race.  If you are racing PLEASE see if you can persuade someone to come with you to cover a marshalling spot and get them to put their name down on our request form here: Current Volunteer Status – Sussex Cycle Racing League (

The other positions are at a bare minimum too, which means if someone is a no-show then racing won’t go ahead, so please put your name down for those as well if possible.

This is an all or nothing situation.  We won’t put on one or two races which we have cover for, the whole event needs cover or it doesn’t happen.

Just a reminder: this isn’t a commercial enterprise, it’s volunteer driven to keep the track in use and provide some local racing.  If you like racing at it, you need to put back in to keep it going.  If everyone does their bit, you probably only need to do one or two slots a season at most.

Thanks in advance


League News

Dave gets on his bike!

If you were at the circuit races this week you will have seen a fundraising notice by our very own Dave Gerrey. I’ll let him explain what it’s about in his own words:

Anyone who knows me knows I really only ride because my kids joined a cycle club and somehow I have ended up running it and coaching.  Having managed to get myself fitter over the last few years I thought the idea of riding the closed roads of Brighton ahead of the Marathon for charity a great next step.  I had planned to do it in 2020 then we all know what came next.  So when the opportunity to ride it this year and raise funds for the local hospital at the same time came along I grabbed it with both feet.  Just my luck, the day I registered I then ended up as a guest of the RSCH for a few days so I definitely have to pay them for that now.  Please help me towards my target on this my first real attempt at a charity ride.

You can sponsor Dave at

Velodrome Art

The council is looking to commission an artist to paint a mural across the back of the velodrome stands.

As I’m sure you’ll agree, this would make the velodrome feel much more welcoming and is something we should all support.

If you wish to leave a comment, or obtain more details (perhaps you know an artist who would be interested) then visit the webpage here.

Primary Volunteer Positions

Late last year we asked for people to be forthcoming about filling some roles on a regular basis, see this post here.

The response has been, frankly, non-existent.

This leaves the league in very much a position of not being able to operate if any person who is the sole person able to fulfil that role is unavailable, for whatever reason.

Please have a read of that post again and have a good think about offering up services.

If everyone in the league could cover a couple of roles, you would probably only have to do it once or twice a season. We don’t really want to have to go down the “compulsory volunteer slots” route but it may be that we have to.

Thank you.