Circuits Racing Uncategorized Volunteers

Race #1 Feb 19th: Help Needed

There is a healthy entry list for the open 2/3 races and the marshalling for the first race has been filled by the 2/3 riders. Kudos to you for stepping up!

Unfortunately the open 4th cat and the womens 3/4 cat are not looking so good right now. As a result the marshalling is looking thin on the ground for the other two races.

We need cover for all races or none of them will proceed (I hardly think anyone expects riders to turn up and marshal a race if they aren’t getting a race).

If you or someone else can cover a marshalling duty please help the league out and sign up. Or if you are an entrant try to persuade a friend to come along and cover for your race. The times for the races can be found on the calendar page.

To sign up to help as a marshal at the first race click here.