Racing Track League

Exciting League News

Due to changes in British Cycling track regulations, Senior and Junior riders can now earn licence points every week at track league!

The previous rule allowed an award of points once a year for final track league standings.

The rule now states:

T5.3.1. The following shall qualify for Licence Points:

T5.3.1.2. for all weekday ranking Track and Track
Leagues Events, one race per group of riders
specified to entrants in advance;

T5.3.5. Where there are fewer than ten rider entries for
a Track Event, the Licence Points awarded shall
be limited to three points for first place, two
points for second place and one point for third
place. Such points shall be multiplied by two for
British National Series and by three for British
National Championships.

This means that we can offer senior and junior riders the chance to earn Regional C+ points in the following manner:

Youth riders: it is unclear whether youth riders allowed to ride in the senior categories will be eligible for licence points. We are currently enquiring with British Cycling about this. For now you should presume you cannot earn licence points. You will still be allowed to race for league points.

We will have one regional C+ race per week, as per the regulations, and this will be the first Senior A race of the evening. Other category riders may join under the following conditions:

  • Priority is given to Senior A riders (of all age groups).
  • Eligible riders (currently seniors and juniors only) from the B and C categories may join this race with space pending.
  • Priority will be given to B and C riders with full race licences.

At the event, Senior A riders should just line up for the race as usual. There will then be a call for any senior B or C riders who wish to ride to fill any spaces.

Nothing special will need to happen for you to enter, your normal track league entry covers this and you just race as normal, except now with added points!