
Volunteers This Week

We are very short of some regulars this week. If two or three extra people could be there early (i.e. by 6pm) this week to fill out the marshalling/gate duty and also we could use another judge or two by the start time. The MC microphone will also be available should anyone want to do it!

If you are planning to help, please ping a quick email to

Alternate Schedule

Please note there may be an alternate schedule this week with a merged senior A/B if the numbers are low.

The merged A/B races will be a single race and only one set of points are available (i.e. there are not separate points for A and B riders).

The good news is that we would get at least one, and possibly two extra races in for all groups.

The extra races will be a win and out and a points race, should we choose to run it. A decision will be made after sign on closes on Wednesday.