
League News: Week 18

This Wednesday (11th) sees our final week of league racing at Preston Park. With some of the podium places still up for grabs will we see a change in the standings? Hopefully the recent tradition of last-week-rainoff will be avoided this year and we can find out!

Don’t forget, we always need the usual complement of volunteers and we could use a couple more on the spreadsheet. Click here to sign up.


If you are a league member you should already have had a survey arrive in your inbox via RiderHQ about the AGM. Please ensure you respond. At the moment we have had only 17 responses and about 13 of those saying they will attend in person so if you want a prizegiving please have your say!

Keep an eye on your inbox as we will be sending out a more general purpose survey close to the finish of the season. This will be your chance to provide feedback on the league as it is now, and some potential changes which may or may not make it as far as the AGM for a vote depending on the general response from the survey.


Don’t forget, there are a couple of drinks planned by a few of us after this weeks racing over at the Park View (probably the garden but weather permitting!). Come one, come all.


Don’t forget to hand in your numbers to the judges area at the end of racing before you leave. Chasing people up for them after the season is a headache we can do without!