
Track League News: Week 17


Just another reminder that the pursuits competition for next week (Week 17, 4th August) is still open for entry until Tuesday 6pm. You can read more about it at the original post here.

Also a reminder that we need about 3x volunteers to run the pursuits.

Remember that if you are NOT racing the pursuits you’ll have a wait anyway, so no reason not to help out if you are a non-pursuit rider.

To offer your services as a timekeeper or holder please add your name to the spreadsheet here.

Also next week…

There is a race meeting on at Brighton Racecourse on Wednesday through Friday. If your route to track takes your past there, especially if you have to come up Wilson Avenue, you might want to go a different way or leave earlier.

Post Season Social

A few of us are planning to head over to the Park View pub for a drink or two after the final night on August 11th. It’s an open invite to anyone in the league who fancies popping along. Go on, you earned it.


We haven’t set a date yet but will be doing so soon. This is the time to get together any thoughts about anything you might want to get put on the agenda. Ideas with support are more likely to be discussed so if you can get a few other league members to put their names to it as well that will help.

We will be planning to do a post-season survey as soon as we can when the season is over so think about any feedback you might want to give for that too.