

We are lacking ANY volunteers on the spreadsheets for the upcoming events. Again.

Please sign up for cover at an event on this page here.

If you only race track league, maybe sign up for cover at one of the upcoming circuit races.

If you only do the circuit races, consider helping out at a track league evening on a Wednesday (who knows, it might inspire you to have a go).

Volunteers will usually be provided with at least one hot drink as a bit of compensation, and the knowledge that you help keep the racing alive.

Just to reiterate, everything that SCRL does is run by volunteer. Nobody here takes any payment for their time or effort, not in cash or in kind, we all still pay our league dues and entries, just like you.

No volunteers = no racing.

Fancy doing something a bit more involved?

We could use a few people to sign up as on-the-day organisers. This basically entails being the person in charge on the day. Things like:

  • Be at the venue about an hour before start.
  • Make sure the track has been inspected/swept if needed.
  • Make sure all equipment is put out and ready.
  • Make sure that all volunteer roles are filled.
  • Open up and lock the pavilion
  • Make sure the track gates are locked up and marshals put in position.
  • Take care of various queries so that the other volunteers can do their job.
  • Ensure everything is packed away and locked afterwards and that sign-in and result information is passed to the person who requires it.

These aren’t tasks you necessarily have to do yourself, but you have to make sure they happen.

To enable you to fulfil this role you must:

  • Have a British cycling Membership (any level I think)
  • Undergo a 1 or two hour introduction to the British cycling event management system. This will probably be online over video conferencing. You will likely not have to use it for the on-the-day role but it is a BC requirement.

If you think you can help, contact us using the form on the website here.