Rider Briefing
All riders should read the Rider Briefing and General Notices before racing.
They contain important safety information as well as general information that will help with the smooth running of the League.
Please note the following safety concerns. Other issues may occur during the season in which case the commissaire will draw your attention to these on the evening.
Although the league takes place on a designated cycling track that is booked for the purpose of racing it should be noted that members of the public may ignore notices to this effect. The gates on the first and second straights will be locked during racing as will the gate to the left of the stand when viewed from the track. However it has been known for members of the public to vault the fencing so a watchful eye should be kept at all times.
SCRL will undertake to check the track as early as possible, locking the gates and removing debris. Until this process is complete and the track declared open by the commissaire riders may warm up at their own risk. Please be aware that officials may be on the track during this time.
The track and areas around it are unfortunately often the target for vandalism and there is regularly broken glass strewn around the area. SCRL officials make their best efforts to remove any glass found but there may well be hidden pockets in the grass surrounding the track as well as on it. Please take care and report any glass (or other debris) that you see.
Please take care when crossing the track to attend the stand or pavilion.
Just at the end of the Start / Finish straight there is a sunken manhole cover very close to the edge of the track in the grass. There is an area of concrete around this.
Helmets must be worn at all times when on the track including warming up.
Riders hands must be in contact with the handlebars when racing. Riders not adhering to this may be disciplined by the commissaire.
To facilitate the use of the PA system cables are laid across the grass to the speakers. Please take care when walking around the area.
With increasing numbers at the league the grass area is often heavily populated. Riders should avoid riding through this area when going onto or leaving the track.